And plan for a Prosperous New Year!

Here at Your Local Dragon we will be spending a little time over the holidays to look back over the past year at what we’ve achieved, and planning what we can do to improve our services for our customers – the local businesses who advertise with us.
We also want local people to find as many trades as they need from our little books, so we’re inviting more local trades and services to fill the gaps in our business categories. If you run a business and you’re not advertising with us already, Contact Us for more information about having your contact details available in over 83% of local households throughout 2013.
Like most people who work for themselves, when we’re busy working in the business all year we like things to run smoothly. That’s why this time of the year is ideal for us at the Dragon to explore opportunities for improvement and get them implemented in time for the New Year.
Do remember to have some time off to re-charge the batteries. Enjoy your Christmas and be sure to plan for a Prosperous and Happy New Year!
If you would like a more prosperous new year why not contact us to join the other Dragon advertisers – almost 90% of our advertisers leave their adverts running time after time – because it WORKS!!