Local Advertising Secrets

Word of mouth is no longer enough. For many, the days are gone when builders had six month waiting lists for big jobs, and customers were queuing up to spend their money on home improvement. Less jobs = less word of mouth referrals. And when you have fewer jobs your van is stuck on your drive instead… Continue reading Local Advertising Secrets

Compiling the Anglesey and Bangor directories

It’s been a tense week… Thunderstorms affect all types of business. Including ours. Getting all the adverts in place across all 5 of the the Dragon Directories has been a bit of a struggle, with a number of computer & phone line shutdowns in lightening storms. Small businesses and self employed tradespeople of all types… Continue reading Compiling the Anglesey and Bangor directories

Dragon Newsletter 3 – Valuing your customers

When your advertising brings you new customers month after month you’re getting much more value for money than the cost of each new job… Click Here to find out about how advertising in a Your Local Dragon Directory can help you  if you are self employed or run a small businesses on Anglesey or around the… Continue reading Dragon Newsletter 3 – Valuing your customers

Attractor Factor -part 3- Chris Cardell

Analysis is important… Knowing where your customers are most likely to come from makes it easier for you to decide how to get your message to them.  It’s no use putting an advert in a national newspaper if  the people who use your services need to be located within a 20 mile radius of your… Continue reading Attractor Factor -part 3- Chris Cardell

Attractor Factor – Part 2- Networking

Networking Whether it’s chatting in the pub, on the golf course, in Zumba class or formal networking, talking to people about what you do is a good way of attracting new customers and improving your confidence You can improve your customer base by using a variety of marketing avenues so along with advertising in Your… Continue reading Attractor Factor – Part 2- Networking